Mahalo Nui Loa
We would like to thank the following supporters of Kumu Kahua Theatre for their generous donations.
If you haven’t had a chance to contribute, you may do so by mailing your contributions to the theatre at 46 Merchant Street, Honolulu HI 96813 or call our box office at (808) 536-4441.
Your continued support is greatly appreciated. Mahalo!
Lei Hulu (5000+)
Richard Aadland Fund
Atherton Family Fund
Carolyn Eaton
John R. Halligan Charitable Fund
Marti Steele
Nakila & Marti Steele Family Fund
O‘ahu Visitors Bureau
State Foundation on the Culture and theArts
State of Hawaii
The Kim Coco Fund for Justice of the Iwamoto Family Foundation
‘ILIMA ($1000+)
In memory of Clara T. Suzuki
Ace and Denise Ellinwood
Alani Apio
Aloha United Way
Amy Murata
Betty S Honma
Bill Dendle
City & County of Honolulu
Dann Seki & Sharyn Sekine
Dorene and Greg Yamamoto
Eric Anderson and Roger Beck
Geoffrey Michaelson and Lehua Ii-Michaelson
Geraldine Lee
Glenn Cannon Foundation
Hannah Slovin
John Wythe White & Victoria Gail-White's Left Wing Right Brain Fund
Judge Russel & Gwen Nagata
Leonard & Charlotte Chow
Marcus Oshiro in Memory of Susan Oshiro-Okumura
Michael B Wood Foundation
Mori Family Fund
Naomi Takasaki
Rae Watanabe Pickett
Robert Emens Black Fund
Wendell Choo
William Schoettle
PĪKAKE $500+
Alvin Katahara and Francene Kondo
Barr Foundation
Beverly Tatum
Cathy Ferreira In memory of Eddie and Duke Kagami
Doris Forbes
Elizabeth Errico
Elizabeth Hokada and Ken Ito Fund
Ethel Aiko Oda
Gayle Harimoto
Haleiwa Town Center
Howard & Gayle Sugai
Innovative Insurance Resources
Janet & Stanley Zisk In memory of Janet Zisk
Jenny Avina
Ken And Diane Matsuura
Lynn Murakami-Akatsuka
Mark Pierce
Neal Milner
Rebecca & Stewart Taggart
Sam Pooley In honor of WJ and PG Stigall
Susan Stahl
Takumi Family Fund
Adele Chong
Ane Aga
Anonymous Donation
Avi Soifer
Cheryl Ho
Chloe Wurr
Darrell Chun and Paul Allen
Dorothy Billingsley
Dwight Martin
Eleanor Wong
Elizabeth and John Wichmann-Walczak
Eric Stack
George Kuo
James Kumagai
Justina Mattos
Macey Luo-Souza
Marcus Oshiro
Mark and Ruth Yamakawa
Marsha Azuma
Michael Webb
Myrna Cundy in Memory of Richard Cundy
Paypal Giving Fund
Peter & Lee Carson
Ritchie Mudd
Rochelle Uchibori
Ross & Irene Sugibayashi
Sam Pooley
Sheila & Thad Tomei
Simon Sanidad
Solid Concepts
Sue Jennings and Harley Clark
Thomas Cooper
Tom Muray
Wesley Waniya
Alice Kawakami
Allan Okubo
Anonymous Donation
Art & Val Mori
Barbara Hudman
Barbara Shirota
Brenda Tang
Carol Wilcox
Carolyn Corley
Chance Gusukuma
Charles & Liana Benn
Christina & Doug Meller
Danel Verdugo
Emily Hodges and Charles Spencer
Ernestine Enomoto
Harriett Haritos
Heu‘ionalani Wyeth
Jane Corley
Jessica Fernandez-white
Joy Grabar
Julie Higa
Karol Nowicki
Katherine Croze
Ken Takemoto
M. Mukaigawa & A. Kimura
Margaret Hu
Marianne Whiting
Meredith Glass
Michelle Castillo
Michelle Stone
Mildred Au
Nicole Woo
Norbert and Jill Buelsing
Patricia Lindsey
Robert and Alexandra Bley-Vroman
Robert Bonnell
Sharon Tanaka
Teri Skillman
Valerie H Falle
Wayne & Eunice Kaneshiro
Wendell Yim
Zachary Mcnish & Kilikina Mahi
Alvin and Karen Fuse
Amy Barger
Anne Kase
Annette & Milton Morishige
Annette and Michael Wong
Annie Renick
Anonymous Donation
Anonymous Donation
Anonymous Donation
Anonymous Donation
Anonymous Donation
Barbara Luksch
Beatrice Walter In Honor of Jason Kanda and others willing to help!
Bonnie Gouveia
Bonnie Yee
Brian & Caryll Fagan
Byrnes Yamashita
Caryn Moran
Catharine Bento Foxleein Honor of Alta Bento
Catherine Ronan
Christine Taylor
Colin Hunter & James Lawyer
Denis Maurer
Dennis & Suzanne Jones
Domingo & Sachiko Magwili
Douglas & Cathy Davenport
Emiko Tom
Emily M Hodges
Evelyn Nakamura
Foodland Give Aloha
Fred and Karin Higa
Frederick R Stewart
G. Tashiro Ohana
Gerry and Lex Alexander
Gini Tom Kuboyama
Glenn and Elizabeth Tango
Glenn Pang
Gloria Iwamoto
Gloria Lau
Harry Jr. (Buddy), Patricia & Keikilani Wong
Hawaii USA Federal Credit Union
Helen Nakano
Henry W. Rietz
Irene Okuda in honor of Pandy Ching and Ann Egleston
Jack & Mary Pat Ashby
Jackie Erickson
James And Sharon Skouge
Jane Kimura
Janice Kaili
Jarret Sasaki
Jason Achiu
Jeff Juett
Jeffrey Orig
Jeri Vedder
Joe & Connie Chun
John and Darlene Wilhite
John Berger
Joyce Ahuna-Kaaiai
Judith Armstrong
Judy Yanagida
Julie Iezzi
Karen Akiyama
Karen Kaui Philpotts
Kathleen Davies
Kevin & Beth Takamori
Laurie Tanuvasa
Lauzanne Oshiro
Lee Takagi
Leighton Liu
Lillian Chang
Linda Hakoda
Lisa Kanae
Lorna Kawahara
Lurana Donnels & Sean T.C. O'Malley
Lyn Ackerman
Lynn Murakami-Akatsuka In Honor of Sara Ward
Lynn Okamura
Lynn Reis
Lynne Matusow
Marcus Lee Tyler Akira Tanabe
Marion Abe
Mary Jo Freshley
Maurice and Janet Kanda
Melody Mackenzie
Merle and Gary Pak
Nancie Caraway
Nancy Aleck in Memory of Mark Kalahele
Patricia J Ching
Patricia Leong
Patrick Kirch
Paul Shinagawa
Pearl Wong
Philip Brown
Rita Degnan
Ronald and Rachel Heller
Rowena Blaisdell
Roy And Mary Matsuda
Sandra Loo-Chan
Sandra Wood
Stanley Sato
Stephen and Daniel Tschudi
Steven Dillard
Susan Goya
Susan Hashimoto
Suzanne Noland
Suzanne Sato
Suzanne Watanabe In memory of Edric Sakamoto
Teresa Vast and Michael Lieran
Thomas Cooper in Honor of Harry Wong
Tiffany Koc
Virginia Tully
Wallace & Kapiolani Ma
Wallis Wake
Westley Mow
Alexa Fujise in Memory of Thomas Tochiki
Althea Momi Kamau
Angela Chock
Ann Egleston & Pandy Ching
Anonymous Donation
Anonymous Donation
Anonymous Donation
Anonymous Donation
Betty Daly
Beverly Hayashi
Brenda Ho
Carlson Mun
Carlynn Wolfe
Carol Kellett
Cheri Tarutani
Clyde & Marilyn Morita
Colleen Ho
Denny Randall & Marilyn McCormick-Randall In Memory of Robert Madison
Dian Kobayashi
Ed Furuike
Elaine Chang
Elizabeth Burdick
Eric & Kathee H Lebuse
Eric Nemoto
Gail Maruyama
Georgia Acevedo
In memory of Carol Merrell
James Aina
Jane Nishita
Janis Hauenstein In memory of Mary Ann Kirkham
Jeanne M Duffy
Jesus Lucas
Jo Lynn Humel
Judith and Melfried Olson
Kaz Matamura
Kenneth Burtness
Kenneth Stone
L Barnette Dombroski
Lester Stiefel
Lloyd & Jean Ikehara.
Lorelei Fukuda
Lorna Park
Martha Beachy
Melissa Speetjens
Mimi Horiuchi
Nicole Chatterson in Honor of Alani Apio
Norma Gayagas
Patricia Morgan
Peter Gordon
Pippa Coom
Roberta Kishinami
Ronald & Marie Sakamoto
Russell & Jo-Ann Fujita
Ruth Hirai
Sandra Gonsalves
Sheryl Tashima
Susan Hunt
Susan Thain
Teresa & Mark Koepke
Teresa Madden
Terry & Kenneth Muraoka
Todd Sammons
Vilsoni Hereniko
Wanda Wong
William & Edwina Gosnell
Yaeko Tengan
Alan Picard in Memory of Thomas Tochiki
Amy Tanis
Anonymous Donation
Charles Spencer
Chrystin Pleasants
Cindy Ramirez
Cindy's Lei Shoppe
Dawn Gohara
Diane Aoki
Diane Morioka
Diane Peck & Scott Ray
Donna Zane
Elaine Sienkiewicz
Faith Kodama
Gregory Gebhardt
Ira Tagawa
Irobela Wreagh
Jacqueline Palmer-Lasky
Jeff & Dominique Gere
Joy Cintron
Julia Gilman
Ken Burtness
Kenneth Fehling
Kyle Lovett
Lea Kei In Memory of my cousin Edric Sakamoto who was a generous supporter
Lee Scott Theisen
Lianne Uyehara
Linda Katsuki
Lynette Danao Kasey Redding
Matthew Medeiros
Michael Puerini
Mona Kazma
Moses Goods
Myrna Cundy in Memory of Bob Madison
Nancy Moss
Naomi Hayakawa
Nicholas & Karen Lee
Pete Doktor
Priscilla Millen
Sandra Samori
Sandy Tsukiyama
Setsumi Saltman
Sharon Ohta
Stacey Flores
Sylvia Flores
Tammy Namihira
Trisha Loo
Yilong Liu