Kumu Kahua Theatre and Bamboo Ridge Press Announce the February 2025 Prompt for “Go Try PlayWrite” a monthly playwriting contest


Contact: Sara Ward, officemanager@kumukahua.org, 808-536-4441

Kumu Kahua Theatre and Bamboo Ridge Press Announce

the February 2025 Prompt for “Go Try PlayWrite” a monthly playwriting contest


WHAT: Go Try PlayWrite Contest Topic Announcement

WHEN: Monthly Contest


INFO: 808-536-4441, kumukahua.org


Honolulu HI—Kumu Kahua Theatre, in collaboration with Bamboo Ridge Press announce the February prompt for their monthly play writing contest, Go Try PlayWrite.


Thanks to a generous donation from an anonymous donor, contest winners will receive a $100.00 check as well as a subscription to Bamboo Ridge Press.


February 2025 prompt

A hell of a prompt. Write a ten page maximum scene or an eight page maximum monologue where you send someone to hell. This is as open as can be; all that matters is that someone did something or a number of things that receives eternal punishment. Writers, consider this prompt primal scream therapy.


Deadline to Enter: February 28th, 2025

Kumu Kahua Theatre was founded in 1971 by a group of graduate students at the
University of Hawaiʻi, with the original goal of producing locally-written experimental
works. The theater educates and trains new generations of aspiring theater
professionals through its living laboratory of productions and public play readings, and by holding classes and workshops in acting, improvisation and playwriting.

Bamboo Ridge Press was founded in 1978 to publish literature by, for, and about
Hawaiʻi’s people. We currently publish two volumes a year: a literary journal of poetry
and fiction featuring work by both emerging and established writers, and a book by a
single author or an anthology focused on a special theme. In forty plus years we’ve
published a diverse catalog of poetry, prose, screenplays, stage plays, novels, and
more. https://www.bambooridge.org/


Each month entrants must write a 5-page monologue and/or a 10-page scene based on monthly requirements. Each month a new prompt will be chosen by Kumu Kahua Theatre’s Artistic Director, Harry Wong III. All entries must be written in traditional play format; instructions on this format can be found here: https://www.dramatistsguild.com/script-formats courtesy of the Dramatists Guild. 


There will be one winner each month. Scripts will be submitted to the judges anonymously. Each month Judges are selected from among the many talented theatre practitioners in the Hawaii theatre community. 


Submit your February entries HERE


Kumu Kahua productions are supported in part by the NME Fund of the Hawaiʻi Community Foundation, the Island Insurance Foundation, The State Foundation on Culture and the Arts, through appropriations from the Legislature of the State of Hawaiʻi, The AAPI Community Fund, The Richard Aadland Fund, The Hawaiʻi Tourism Authority, The Honolulu Star-Advertiser, The John R. Halligan Charitable Fund, Spectrum/Charter Communications, ABC Stores, the Gloria Kosasa Gainsley Fund, Hawaiʻi Public Radio, H. Hawaii Media, Simply Storage, The Kim Coco Fund for Justice of the Iwamoto Family Foundation, Vacations Hawaiʻi, Zippy’s Restaurants, Highway Inn, Generations Magazine, CVS/Longs Drugs, HMSA, Hawaiian Electric, MonkeyPod, Edric Sakamoto, Ron and Rachel Heller, Leonard and Charlotte Chow, and other foundations, businesses, and loyal patrons.

Sarah Bauer